Light Human Hotel
Florida - Miami
Mix use Project
The project
59 Floors - Residential, Hotel and Amenities (Marina, Mezzanine Restaurant, Rooftop Restaurant, GYM, SPA, Pool and Parking). 70 Residential Units and 180 Hotel Room Keys. Residential - 98,571 SF Sellable Area! 1,408 SF Average per Unit! 37,272 SF Balcony / 532 SF per Unit! 25 Levels (33th to 57th Floor) ! Hotel units - 417 SF Average p/ Room! 9,291 SF Back Office Area! 17 Levels (16th to 32th Floor)! 300 FT River Front! Marina (4 Boats Capacity)! 5,591 SF Rooftop Restaurant! 1,860 SF Mezzanine Restaurant! 5,956 SF Gym, SPA and Pool! 182 Parking Space (2th to 12th Floor)
Location projectFuture Openings
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